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How Many Students Apply/Register for CAT Every Year – Check Now

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Are you wondering how many students apply/register for CAT every year? The number has consistently crossed 1-2 lakh in recent years on a fast pace, which reflects the competition and immense popularity to get into the top-B schools, attracting the aspirants to prestigious and reputed management programs.

How Many Students Apply/Register for CAT Every Year - Check Now

Let’s explore and find out strength of students register for CAT every year and what are the significant reasons behind this increase.

How Many Students Register/Apply For CAT Every Year? Highlights Of CAT Registration In Recent Years

CAT Registrations 2024

  • A total of almost 3,29,000 admit cards were downloaded showing an increase of 0.3% from last year.

CAT Registrations 2023

  • Almost 3,28,000 students registered with around 88% strength rate, which means nearly 2,88,000 candidates took the test. 

CAT Registrations 2022

  • The total number of students who took exam were almost around 2,55,000 marking a 28.6% rise in 2023.

The table outlined below will show a clear difference in 5 years about number of test takers for CAT:

CAT 2024
CAT 2023
CAT 2022
CAT 2021
CAT 2020
CAT 2019
CAT 2018
CAT 2017

Wondering How Many People Appear For CAT In India? Understand The Trend

The importance of knowing it helps in understanding the strengths and attendance in past years. The table below outlines year-wise breakdown of CAT exam takers of 2024 and past years and also the percentage increase/decrease in registrations:

CAT 2024
CAT 2023
CAT 2022
CAT 2021
CAT 2020
CAT 2019
CAT 2018
CAT 2017

Understand CAT Exam Level Range Over Years

The table below provides year-wise difficulty level of CAT exam, helping aspirants to know about the range of exam:

CAT 2024
CAT 2023
CAT 2022
Moderate to Difficult
CAT 2021
Moderate to Difficult
CAT 2020
Moderate to Difficult
CAT 2019
Easy to moderate
CAT 2018
Moderate to Difficult
CAT 2017
Moderate to Difficult

What Are The Reasons Behind Increasing CAT Registrations In India?

What Are The Reasons Behind Increasing CAT Registrations In India?
  1. Rise in pursuit for MBA studies 
  • Both in India and global level, the demand for management programs is increasing. 
  • The employers in market prioritize more on leadership, managerial, analytical skills over just theoretical or technical expertise.
  • MBA is considered to give a much higher career growth and good placements with high salary packages.
  • Businesses now require highly skilled professionals who can handle challenges. 
  • Aspirants include both freshers or experienced professionals looking to upskill.
  • An MBA helps candidates to shine and stand out in crowd.
  • MBA opens doors to much wider career and growth opportunities.
  • Due to all these above factors, the participation has increased in the recent years hence, competition. 

2. Enhanced knowledge and resource availability 

  • The social media platforms have made the CAT related knowledge much accessible to all students out there. 
  • Aspirants can now easily explore and grab information about CAT pattern, exam, prestigious institutions, recruiting companies etc. 
  • Platforms like Mindworkzz provide mentorship, guidance, peer-to-peer discussion, and groups to study effectively, relevant resources etc. 
  • Relevant online study materials, videos, shorts have made preparation easier.
  • Non-engineers, students from diverse are now showing interest in management programs thus improving diversity showing broader audience interest.  
  • Digital platforms have improved preparation to a greater level. 

3. Career progressions and shift

  • MBA provides high career growth and better roles or switch industries. 
  • An MBA provides with great exposure and skill set that will help students stand out in the crowd. 
  • MBA helps students to refine their skill and acquire new skill set that are in demand of the employers.
  • IT professionals, engineers and now students form diverse groups are taking MBA and moving towards leadership and managerial roles. 
  • For professionals, taking an executive MBA program or part-time MBA can make it easier for professionals to study while working. 
  • Such courses help people to acquire a higher qualification and upskill without affecting their working life. 

4. Renown of IIMs and premium B-schools

  • IIMs, SPJIMR, and XLRI are known for its renowned excellence in management education. 
  • The strong brand value of these intuitions attracts huge number of CAT aspirants.
  • The esteemed colleges have high packages and prestigious job roles. 
  • The intuitions offer influential and resourceful alumni base.
  • The highly motivational achievements of past graduates inspire to take CAT because of their high skill set and placement reports.
  • The excellent career benefits associated with these institutions contribute to increasing CAT applicants yearly.

5. Impact of social circle and career trends 

  • Career choices in India are highly influenced by society and families. 
  • Seeing peers and seniors reaching heights while taking MBA inspires others to take an MBA.
  • Clearing CAT and getting into a top-B school is considered as excellence.
  • MBA from a prestigious institution is often considered as a brand.
  • The increasing awareness of MBA success stories inspires freshers to take up the path. 

6. Economic stability goals 

  • There is economic influence on career decisions. Financial factors do play a role in forming and shaping education, expose wider career options for students and professionals. 
  • Increasing finances does encourage young people to take up high package jobs for economic stability. 
  • Qualifying MBA form top-B school brings wider opportunities, better job roles and high income.
  • Through MBA candidates aim for MNCs and international career opportunities thus getting attracted to global job opportunities.
  •  CAT national level entrance exam serves as a gateway to secure seat into top-B school. 
  • It has been observed an increase aspiration for high-paying management roles which fuels interest in management programs.
  • MBA helps candidates stand out and secure better roles in competitive edge in the industries. 

7. Official development plans 

  • The government supports higher education with various policies aim to make education career focused and more accessible. 
  • Need-based and merit-based scholarship opportunities with financial assistance encourages more students to take up the field. 
  • Government loan schemes have reduced financial burden thus helping students out there to aim for big. 
  • There is a rising focus on entrepreneurship where in government promote startup culture, encouraging aspirants to gain business knowledge and exposure.
  • Public awareness has promoted more CAT registrations in high number.

8. Convenient testing options and flexible selection criteria

  • CAT is conducted in computed based test (online mode) which has made the testing more convenient and efficient. 
  •  A great number of test centres across India in different cities have been allotted to take the test.
  • Candidates now have acquired coaching in online and offline mode, digital study platforms, and materials to prepare. 
  • The availability of online materials, apps, virtual coaching sessions have made it much easier for working professionals to study flexibly without sacrificing their job commitments. 
  •  The online mode offers faster, smoother, and flexible testing process reducing any sort of logistics challenges. 

CAT Exam Trends: Yearly Student Registration & Gender Distribution

  • The total number of students applied for CAT includes both female and male candidates. 
  • The count of female and male candidates who registered for exams helps in analysing the performance trends.

The table below gives a breakdown of number of male and female CAT aspirants taking exam each year:

CAT 2024
CAT 2023
CAT 2022
CAT 2021
CAT 2020
CAT 2019
CAT 2018
CAT 2017

Conclusion: How Many Students Apply/Register for CAT Every Year?

The increase in participation for CAT exam over the years reflects the fast-growing demand for MBA programs and careers. Factors such as awareness about top-B schools, availability of relevant materials, economic aspirations have driven large number of students towards MBA. The availability of digital platforms has also made students especially working professionals to take up MBA. With competition intensifying year by year, candidates focus on strategy and dedicated preparation to secure a spot in top institutions. 

If you are an aspiring MBA student, and aiming for 99+ percentile, Mindworkzz is here to support your preparation. Gain access to curated and structured study material for CAT preparation with Mindworkzz.

FAQs On How Many Students Apply/Register For CAT Every Year?

How many people registered for CAT in 2024?

According to official data, around 3,29,000 admit cards have been downloaded for CAT 2024 examination. The number of registrations have increased by 0.3% from 2023. 

How many candidates appeared for CAT 2024?

Around 2,93,000 appeared for CAT 2024. Meanwhile, during CAT 2023, 2022 and 2021 were 2,88,000, 2,22,000 and 1,91,660 respectively. 

What is the attendance of CAT 2024?

Almost 2.93 lakh candidates appeared for exam out of which 3.29 lakh registered eligible candidates. As per IIM Calcutta, approximately 89 percent was recoded attendance. 

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