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8 Mistakes to Avoid During CAT Preparation

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Cracking the CAT exam isn’t just about mugging up the concepts- it’s a game of strategy that demands mental practice and agility. Keep in mind the common mistakes to avoid during CAT preparation that can make a difference between an average score and an excellent score. Preparing for CAT is a journey filled with challenges, and while consistence is crucial, avoiding most common mistakes is highly important. 

8 Mistakes to Avoid During CAT Preparation

What Is CAT Exam?

The CAT (Common Admission Test) is one of the most competitive national entrance exams in India, which offers a gateway to get admission to various MBA programs in top-Schools. It is not just a test that measures knowledge but also tests your decision-making skills, time management and strategy. 

CAT measures candidates 3 major areas:

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude 

CAT is an online computer-based test (CBT), which is highly known for its challenging moderate to high level of difficulty. Scoring high percentile in CAT unlock doors to prestigious top-B schools, setting up the stage for a successful career in management and leadership. 

CAT 2025 Exam Date: Check Important Dates

It is important to note the most important dates related to CAT exam 2025. Have a look on the table below and get clear with the dates. Keep in mind the dates and make sure not to skip them.

CAT exam is always conducted on the last Sunday of November. So, high chances are there that CAT 2025 will be conducted on the last Sunday of November 2025.

CAT 2025 Notification Date
Last week of July 2025
CAT 2025 Registration Date
First week of August 2025
CAT 2025 Registration Last Date
First week of September 2025
CAT 2025 Exam Date
November 30, 2025
CAT 2025 Result Date
First week of January 2026

8 Mistakes To Avoid During CAT Preparation

CAT is not about how much you study- it’s all about how you study. CAT aspirants should keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity. Every year, thousands of candidates put efforts yet falls due to some common mistakes and fails to acquire excellent percentile which costs high.

Majority of students drown themselves in books without a clear and strategic plan, few students stay struck in comfort zone, avoiding topics they find difficult. Many students underestimate the importance of time management, revision, and mocks. It is important to note that CAT is not just about mastering concepts and memorizing formulas, it is more than that which includes avoiding traps and pitfalls that may pull you down. 

Have a look on the common mistakes to avoid during CAT preparation that can make a difference between an average score and an outstanding score, which eventually increase your chances of success. 

1. Ignoring the importance of an early start

  • Starting CAT preparation late is one of the biggest drawbacks and a mistake the candidates do.
  • Although CAT syllabus can easily be covered with 3-4 months of preparation but it is always advised to start early.
  • A well-structured study plan needs at least strict 9 months of preparation which helps you to start slow, understanding the basics and developing foundation slowly, gradually chasing the speed. 
  • As competition increases every year, and level of examination varies from moderate to difficulty level, to stay ahead of your peers, it is good to have an early start. 
  • Early start reduces stress and anxiety as you are well developed with your skills overtime from beginning eventually increases chances of scoring high. 

2. Neglecting the core framework and demand of CAT

  • To excel in CAT, the foremost thing is to grasp the fundamentals before jumping into the preparation.  
  • Candidates should understand 3 important things:
  1. CAT syllabus
  2. Number of Questions 
  3. CAT Exam Pattern and type of questions
  • Build reading habit and improving speed along with comprehension ability. 
  • Avoid general reading instead read diverse content which will sharpen your critical thinking and improves ability to comprehend complex passages. 
  • Avoid jumping into solving problems or mocks without developing reading habit and comprehension ability. 
  • Clear basics first then move to complexity.

3. Not revisiting topics regularly

  • This is the common mistakes all serious candidates should completely avoid.
  • Without having regular revision, topics will fade away from memory making it harder to recall in exam under stress condition. 
  • Revisiting topics again and again helps to strengthen understanding and grasping the concepts. 
  • Regular revision helps in long-term retention. 
  • Irregular revision will slow down your problem-solving ability, and simultaneously it will affect speed and accuracy. 
  • Without frequent revisiting, it will affect your mock performance leading to low scores. 
  • Not revising topics, accuracy suffers and leads to panic days before the actual exam date. 
  • Not revisiting topics leads to wastage of time and efforts as it reduces effectiveness. 

4. Neglecting mock practice and reviews

  • Mock tests are important before appearing for CAT. 
  • Regular mock practice boosts up your confidence by giving you exam like atmosphere.
  • Mocks helps you to familiarize yourself with exam pattern and question types. 
  • Neglecting mocks can be a biggest mistake and it may affect your ability to solve fast under time constraints. 
  • Mocks helps in identifying areas of improvement by which students can eventually develop the weaker areas. 
  • Avoid skipping mock analysis, as it helps you to understand where you need to work more. 
  • Simple attending mocks will not boost up preparation, analysing them does. 
  • After mock analysis, strategies your preparation effectively. 
  • Consistent improvement and revision based on mock analysis will lead to better accuracy and improved confidence. 

5. Not having a clear study roadmap

  • Preparing for CAT require a well-planned and structured roadmap.
  • It is not compulsory to maintain a fixed time table, but make sure to dedicate equal amount of time to each of the sections. 
  • Before stepping into preparation, make sure to understand the syllabus and pattern of CAT and get yourself familiarize to question format, section-wise strategy, and time constraints. 
  • Timely completion of syllabus is necessary, hence dedicate appropriate time to all the topics considering weightage. 
  • Try to finish the syllabus as soon as possible so that you are left with ample of time left for preparation. 
  • Complete the syllabus on time so that your have ample of time to do multiple rounds of revision, time to practice questions and mocks. 
  • It is always advisable to maintain formula notebook or short notes to revise during last dates of exam. 

6. Incomplete syllabus coverage

  • Some candidates avoid preparing few topics due to their difficulty level. 
  • It is advisable to complete syllabus based on weightage as each topic hold significance importance and thus contributes to the overall score. 
  • Avoid skipping topics because you find them challenging, instead start preparation early and prioritize the areas you are weak in. 
  • Sometimes skipping topics can cost high as they impact overall score. 
  • Instead of avoiding topics, put extra time and effort to make yourself comfortable with the topic. 

7. Avoiding time constraints

  • Candidates avoid or neglect practicing questions under time constraints which does not help in developing speed.
  • Candidates at first should start slow and gradually chase speed.
  • CAT being an exam with time constraints, candidates should master time management skills. 

8. Lack of customized study plan

  • A general study plan won’t work for all.
  • Study plan should be prepared according to one’s strength and weakness for effective preparation.
  • Relying on a standard time table or study plan won’t fulfil individual needs.
  • A customized study plan will help in leveraging strength and improving weakness.
  • Allocate more time weaker section while maintaining a balance with stronger section. 
  • Choose proper study methods like self-preparation, coaching or peer groups.
  • Keep adjusting your preparation strategy based on your mock analyses.

How can Mindworkzz help in avoiding Mistakes during CAT Preparation

It is highly important to avoid the common mistakes that students generally do, which results in lowering the percentiles. At Mindworkzz, we keep in mind and guide our students to be well-prepared and avoid mistakes by:

  • Preparing a structured study plan
  • Complete syllabus completion
  • Balance between theory and practice
  • Focusing on weaker sections
  • Regular mock practice and analyses
  • Regular doubt clearing sessions
  • Consistent revision

If you are a dedicated MBA aspirant, and targeting for 99+ percentile, Mindworkzz’s CAT Online Course is here to support your preparation.

8 Mistakes To Avoid During CAT Preparation FAQS

Is revision important for CAT preparation?

Yes, revision is highly important for CAT preparation as it helps to fix concept in your mind boost up confidence.

Is it important to practice mocks for CAT?

Yes, it is highly important to attend mocks for CAT preparation and it helps you to develop speed, familiarize yourself with question pattern and topics, analyse areas of improvement. 

What are the common mistakes candidates do while CAT preparation?

Candidates often do common mistakes like not understanding CAT syllabus and context, irregular revision of concepts, mismanagement of time, incomplete syllabus coverage etc.

When should I start my CAT preparation?

Although CAT syllabus and preparation can be done in 3-4 months, but it is always advisable to start as early as possible. 9 months prior to exam month is ideal time for preparation. 

Is it important to develop basics for CAT?

Yes, it is highly important to develop basics and gain conceptual clarity for all the three sections.

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