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All About SRCC-GBO

SRCC-GBO Exam is a gateway to one of the most prestigious colleges in the country. For all those who couldn’t make it to the Sri Ram College of Commerce after your board exams due to its unrealistic high cutoffs, here is your chance to make it among the elites . You can find a complete list of necessary information in the table below to get you started with your preparation.


Conducted By

Sri Ram College of Commerce

Notification Release

Mid December

Exam Registration Link

Exam Fee

●     Rs 2500 for General

●     Rs 1500 for Others

Exam Mode

Computer Based Test

Registration Closing

Last Week of January

Exam Date

First Week of March

Number of Sections


Name of Sections

●     English Comprehension & Language Ability(40 Questions)

●     Quantitative Ability(40 Questions)

●     Logical Ability(40 Questions)

●     Data Interpretation(40 Questions)

Number of Questions


Total Score


Score Range

●     +4 for Correct Answer

●     -1 for Wrong Answer

Exam Duration

240 Minutes

Difficulty Level


Number of Options for MCQs


Exam Result

Second Week of April

Recent Changes




English Comprehension & Language Ability

This section measures your ability to read and understand written material, to evaluate arguments and to correct written material to conform to standard written English.

●     Reading Comprehensions

●     Sentence Correction

●     Synonyms/Antonyms

●     One Word Substitution

●     Para completion

●     Idioms & Phrases

●     Critical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation

This section measures your ability to analyze data and to evaluate information presented in multiple formats. It also tests your ability to think critically in crunch situations and expects you to find an optimal solution with limited resources.

●     Tables

●     Charts

●     Bar Graphs

●     Pie Charts

●     Arrangements

●     Coding

●     Scheduling

●     Direction Sense

●     Clocks & Calendars

●     Syllogisms

●     Word Patterns & Series

●     Blood Relations

●     Miscellaneous Reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

This section measures your ability to analyze data and draw conclusions using reasoning skills.

●     Number Systems

●     Arithmetic

●     Algebra

●     Geometry

●     Logs

●     Progressions & Series

●     Functions, Equations & Inequalities

●     Binomial Theorem

●     Permutation & Combinations

●     Set Theory

●     Trigonometry

●     Complex Numbers

●     Venn Diagrams

●     Probability


Mindworkzz GDPI Course

1. Thoroughly analyze your strengths as well as weaknesses
2. Build a captivating story as per your candidature
3. Get personalized guidance regarding GD PI WAT Preparation
4. Perform your best during the interview
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