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XAT Preparation Strategy


XAT Preparation Tips and Tricks:

Decision Making:
One of the important sections for XAT preparation is the Decision Making (DM). Decision Making (DM) section in Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) tests you not on your ability to learn concepts or remember formulas, but on your ability to holistically view a situation and propose a solution to a problem.

Preparation for Decision Making (DM) in XAT requires focused attention on following points:

  • DM also tests you on your ethical standing and asks you to take a decision in a conflicting situation.
  • Prepare as per the three different types of questions asked in Decision Making section. These are:

Data Based: Data given and the answer is to be based on analyses of the data,

Situation Based: A scenario wherein you will be tested on your ethical standing,

Mixture: A mixture of both of the above

  • This forms the most unique part of the XAT exam.
  • Consisting of various business and everyday situations, you are meant to establish what the various stakeholders should do in the situation given.
  • In general, the situations given in these questions set up interesting dilemmas for the parties involved, and most of the choices involve an analysis of the possible gains and losses with each course of action adopted.
  • Different types of questions probed in these areas include: ethical dilemmas, financial issues involving sales, revenues etc. of a company, employee management issues and general management scenarios.
  • As far as what kind of decisions you should make, ensure that the decision taken is unbiased and does not favor one particular party, ethical, balanced and from the perspective of all stakeholders involved. Do not lose your objectivity in the entire process and do not let your own biases cloud your judgment.


Verbal & Logical Ability: 

This section will require you to focus on English Grammar and Reading Comprehension (RC). Develop the habit of reading online. Read online books and newspapers. Most of the RC sections are based on literature and abstract topics, thus you also need to understand the gist without reading each word of the passage.

While practicing RC in mock tests, focus on key words and related them with each other to choose the right option.

  • Critical Reasoning & Reading Comprehension areas have historically dominated this section.
  • Thrust is on reasoning skills. Purely vocabulary-based questions are rarely asked.
  • This section requires a very fine balance between quick reading and comprehension skills.
  • Practicing across Mock Tests is essential for superior performance.


Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation: 

To crack this section of XAT, you need to be thorough with the concepts and theorems. So, practice well. Solve the same Quant section at least thrice to understand the application of the concept. After solving every question, tally your answer with the answer key and analyse how logic behind that answer. Once, you know the concept and its application well, all you need is practice to improve speed.

  • Majority of the questions featured in this area have come from Geometry, Number Systems, Functions, P&C, Probability and Data Interpretation.
  • Strong conceptual base in the above topics, with a good application orientation is the key to doing well.
  • Thrust areas are Geometry, Number Systems, P&C, Probability and Functions.


General Knowledge: 

This section is the easiest in terms of preparation. So, you can begin studying for it after completing Decision Making, Verbal & Logical Ability and Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation syllabus.

To study static GK, read Manorama Year Book. For current affairs, be regular with your quota of newspapers and current affair shows and infotainment programmes on television. It is quite possible that GK questions turn out to be tricky, but since there is no negative marking in this section, you don’t have to worry.

  • As far as XAT is concerned, general knowledge made its first appearance in the exam in 2013.
  • Put greater emphasis on economics and business related facts.
  • Preparing current events for the last 6 months is essential.
  • In static GK part, focus on awards, books & authors and geography.


One should attempt mock tests on a regular basis and practice more mock tests per week when the exam day is approaching. Keep in mind that the exam is designed to check the skills which a future manager should possess. Just give your best shot.

All the best!!




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