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10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in GDPI and WAT: What not to do during GDPI

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Acing GDPI-WAT round is one of the most pivotal steps towards securing admission to your dream college. The GD, PI and WAT round measures the ability of the student’s communication skills, strong analytical skills, proficiency in the language, knowledge, confidence, and unique perspective. It is important to keep in mind that GDPI-WAT round carries almost 30% to 40% of your overall composite scores and therefore after CAT exam, students should focus on preparing GDPI-WAT to excel this selection process. Keep a note of the 12 must do things to crack GDPI and WAT.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in GDPI and WAT, What not to do during GDPI

What is GDPI-WAT?

  • GDPI-WAT refers to the Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) round and Written Ability Test (WAT) conducted by various B-Schools after the CAT results are being announced.
  • GDPI round is quite essential to get seat in top colleges for various MBA/PGDM programmes.
  • The main motive of this round is to judge the students critical thinking, communication skills, leadership skills and overall presentation and personality.
  • The WAT round measures the student’s analytical skills, clarity of thoughts, proficiency of English and knowledge.

If you are targeting top colleges like IIM, then it’s time to gear up and prepare for the crucial round of GDPI-WAT.

Candidates must focus on the 10 crucial mistakes to avoid in GDPI and what not to do during GDPI WAT round and to maximize the chances of success.

10 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid in GDPI and WAT Round

GDPI-WAT round measures knowledge, communication skills, analytical skills of the candidate. Being a crucial step to crack and secure seat in your dream college, it is very important to keep a note of common mistakes or pitfalls that may eventually degrade or drop down your performance in GDPI-WAT.

Keep a note on the 10 most common mistakes that must be avoided during GDPI-WAT.

1. Lack of Preparation

  • It is very important to be well prepared for the GDPI-WAT round.
  • Failing to have knowledge about the B-School or college, its major programmes, history, and events may show lack of initiative.
  • The candidates should be updated about the latest current affairs and most important topic that could be asked in GDPI rounds.
  • It is advised to do full-fledged research on the most common and important topics that could be asked or put questions on.
  • Develop a habit of reading newspapers daily to be updated about the national and international news.
  • Prepare and develop knowledge on the most trending topics and think of different counter arguments and be prepared with your answers accordingly.
  • Discuss your hobbies in detail with proper clarity, avoid mentioning those hobbies you are not genuinely interested in as it could create difficulties for you to answer the follow-up-questions.

2. Avoid Being Overly Confident

  • Being overconfident in your GDPI round may have a detrimental effect, negatively impacting your overall performance.
  • This behaviour can reflect that the candidate is overly concerned about their own opinion, neglecting, or failing to listen other’s opinion. A person who struggles to listen carefully can never be an excellent communicator.
  • Sometimes over confidence can come across as arrogant behaviour and may create bad impression.
  • Over confidence can negatively impact your body language and presentation style, making you appear insincere which may decrease the chances of selection.

3. Contemptuous Behavior

  • Showing disrespectful behaviour towards others by pointing fingers, disagreeing rudely to their opinion and humiliating others can negatively impact your performance.
  • Avoid unwelcoming physical gestures and postures like pointing fingers to make a point, leaning back, and knocking the table or chair, using inappropriate facial cues.
  • Be assertive and not aggressive while presenting your opinion.
  • Using an inappropriate tone, slang or improper sentence or words is unacceptable.

4. Casual Approach and Unprofessional Behavior

  • Being unprofessional on the day of your GDPI can be highly detrimental leaving a bad impression about you.
  • Ensure that you are dressed in formal attire in a professional manner, well-groomed, wear nicely polished shoes, minimal makeup, and light jewellery for girls.
  • Be punctual on the day of your GDPI. Strictly avoid being late.

5. Deviate from the main Point and Lose Focus

  • Ensure that your points are relevant to the topic and does not skip the main idea of the topic.
  • Being a good listener during the GDPI round is crucial to stay on track with the topic of discussion and contribute meaningfully.
  • Being a good listener will help you to engage more actively and add on important points from others’ opinions and to stay aligned with the discussion.

6. Fail to Seek Clarification or Asking Questions

  • Failing to ask questions to the interviewer or panellist mainly in PI rounds can show lack of interest and enthusiasm.
  • Prepare thoughtful and meaningful questions that can be asked at the end of PI.
  • Avoid asking common questions that can be answered though prior research from your own end.

7. Avoid using irrelevant information and heavy use of vocabulary in WAT

  • Be straight forward with your points.
  • Avoid stretching your content unnecessarily as it may look bulky and inconsistent.
  • Avoid use of heavy vocabulary words.
  • Keep the write up simple yet informative.

8. Avoid Making Deletions and Corrections in WAT

  • Avoid making mistakes and cross check the statements
  • Make sure that you remain stick to your main idea and do not change the opinion or idea.
  • Maintain a clear flow of thoughts to avoid mistake and stay focussed to ensure correct spelling.

9. Avoid Unnecessary Elaboration of the Content

  • Take time to organize your thoughts properly and systematically.
  • Use relevant data, statistics or facts if needed to present your points strongly.
  • Avoid using false data or information as it may create bad impression decreasing chances of selection.

10. Avoid Being Dishonest

  • Avoid giving false explanations about your achievements and interests. It has its own risks if cross questioned by the interviewer.
  • If the candidate is caught lying, he/she may be terminated from future selection process too.
  • Its better to say “Sorry, I don’t know” rather than elaborating your answers with irrelevant points in which you are lacking knowledge. Do not try to fool the panel or waste their time. Be straightforward.

What not to do during GDPI-WAT?

What not to do during GDPI-WAT
  1. Going off the topic
    Always stick to the subject being discussed. Straying away not only derails the discussion but also makes you seem unprepared or inattentive.

  2. Failing to conclude
    A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression. Make sure you summarize your points clearly to show your thought process is complete.

  3. Being over-dominating
    While it’s important to express your views, dominating the conversation can put others off. Strive for balance and give everyone a chance to contribute.

  4. Using complex jargon
    Simplicity is powerful. Using complicated terms can confuse others and dilute your message. Focus on being clear and relatable.

  5. Turning GD into an argument
    A group discussion is about exchanging ideas, not proving someone wrong. Stay calm, professional, and collaborative to make a positive impression.

What not to do during GDPI-WAT FAQs

What is the importance of GDPI-WAT round in MBA selection?

GDPI-WAT round is one of the most crucial selection processes to get into MBA in top colleges. Its measures the candidate’s overall knowledge, decision making skills and communication skills.

What tips can be followed to crack GDPI-WAT for top B-Schools?

Research and explore thoroughly about the B-School history, events, culture and express your interest to join the B-school.

How can I gain confidence to crack GDPI-WAT?

Get well-fledged with the most common topics having maximum chances of being asked, practice and attend mocks, get expert feedback.

What is GDPI-WAT in MBA selection?

GDPI-WAT is the Group discussion, Personal Interview and Written Ability Test round to measure candidates’ communication skills, knowledge, analytical skills, decision making skills etc.

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